Kilkenny Chamber recently ran a locally based survey to ascertain Consumer Sentiment about the prospect of all businesses reopening over the coming weeks in line with the Government approved Road Map. Not surprisingly, since commencement of the lockdown, shoppers have developed new habits such as meal planning (67.5% of respondents) and preparing a shopping list (62.5%)! Another 30% said they now bulk buy and 27.5% perform proper budgeting which they had not done before.
It would appear to have been a life changing experience for many with 58.54% saying that their shopping habits will not return to normal after the restrictions are lifted. But 41.46% indicated that they would not be comfortable about going into non-essential shops until a vaccine has been found. This must be balanced with the preference expressed by 55% who said they would prefer to shop in shops rather than online.
There are mixed feelings about the prospect of social distancing in town with 47.5% saying they would not feel comfortable queuing on footpaths outside with other pedestrians using the footpath. Of course this leaves the balance of 52.5% saying they would be comfortable with this and presumably they are looking forward to coming to town when the restrictions are lifted.