Limited Ticket Offer Available to Innovative Transport Conference
KLP and its partners are running a conference on integrating public transport over Tuesday the 27th and Wednesday the 28th of June in Kilkenny Castle. The iRoUTE (Integration of Rural & Urban Transport Evolution) Conference is ambitious is seeking to develop a model for public transport integration outside the major cities in Ireland. Attached is the agenda for the two days.
The iRoUTE partners have designed the conference in the hope it will be of interest to a broad spectrum of the stakeholders in public transport- existing providers, communities, local authorities, local development companies, regulatory bodies. The conference fees are designed to encourage that mix- with a limited number of community tickets available at €20 – €25 a head for the two days of the conference. There’s an ‘early bird’ offer on the lower price at the moment.
Booking can be accessed through the Eventbrite online system If you want more information contact Fergus on 056-7752111 or on at