On Thursday the 8th of January 2015 the British Government published the Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Bill,which provides for the devolution of tax powers to the Assembly in Belfast and should allow Northern Ireland to set its own rate of corporation tax from April 2017. This will be at a time of expected significant changes in international tax rules which may impact the Republic of Ireland’s corporate tax regime.
The current rate paid by businesses in Northern Ireland is 21%, compared to 12.5% in the Republic of Ireland. If the rate was lowered, around 34,000 businesses in Northern Ireland would stand to benefit, including 26,500 SMEs.
Will this increase competition for IDA Ireland or will this boost bring economic fortunes to the Island as a whole? Find out more at our Business Lunch taking place onThursday 19th of Februaryin theNewpark Hotel, Kilkenny, whenNorthern Ireland Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment Arlene Fosterwill speak on this topic as well as issues such as ‘Future Plans for Tourism Ireland’ and ‘Future Plans for Intertrade Ireland’.
See news item below for more details and how toregister for this important event.