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Second Chamber National Survey results are in.

Second Chamber National Survey results are in.

Chambers Ireland survey results highlight severity of economic impact and calls for unprecedented economic stimulus for post-pandemic recovery Chambers Ireland and our nationwide network of chambers has today (9 April 2020) published the results of a survey of its...

COVID-19 Resources for Business

COVID-19 Resources for Business

Kilkenny Chamber, with other Chambers in Ireland, conducted a survey of over 1000 businesses across the country through our Network on how COVID-19 has impacted them.  Click here to access the press release & survey report, published on 24th March 2020.  

Government issued COVID-19 resources

Government issued COVID-19 resources

The Department of the Taoiseach has asked that we share the below key resources and guidance documents to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Government statement issued on Sunday 15 March 2020 – Covid-19 Introduction of simplified Unemployment Payments for employees...

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